NoRMMA is very happy to announce that its members have been awarded £8,200 from the Heritage Lottery Fund to undertake its ‘Digitizing The War Illustrated’ project. (You can find out more about the National Lottery Heritage Fund on its website:

This allows us to build on Public Engagement NoRMMA carried out between April and June 2017. Over the course of three workshops, we encouraged participants to focus on the representation of women in the World War I weekly magazine, The War Illustrated. First published in August 1914, a short time after war was declared, the magazine provided the British public with text and images about the conflict. It continued to shape the British public’s views until after armistice day in November 1918, with its final issue dated February 1919. (See the Women’s War Work page on the NoRMMA blog here:

Thanks to the generosity and support of the HLF, and members of the British public who contribute their money to the fund by playing the National Lottery, we are now able to digitize and upload to the internet the University of Kent’s entire run of the publication’s 233 issues. This means that this important slice of British history, at risk of disintegration in its physical form, will be available forever, for all, and for free. We will hold three workshops during June and July 2019 at the University of Kent in Canterbury. During these, we will give volunteers background on the magazine and its history, help them to familiarise themselves with the online archive, as well as plan and complete research projects of their own. The workshop participants will then be able to share their findings online and at a tea dance-themed launch later in the year.
More details, including the dates of workshops, contact details for signing up, and information about the tea dance will follow!
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- this blog (following the tag TWI):
- NoRMMA’s Facebook page:
- following @DigitizingTWI on Twitter